A master’s degree in blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is now attainable at the University of Malta.
Fintech-focused news outlet CrowdfundInsider reported on the creation of the new master’s degree on Oct. 21, also noting that about 35 students are enrolled for the course.
Joshua Ellul, director of the master’s program and chairman of Malta Digital Innovation Authority, said during Malta’s DELTA Summit on Oct. 3 that 15 companies have already contacted the students of the course. He also explained the reasoning that brought the program to existence:
“We noticed a huge problem between techies and lawyers and business professionals. There was a communication disconnect between us. We thought: ‘this would be the perfect place to have a master’s, one serving the multidisciplinary purposes of the different specializations.’”
Specialization in ICT, law or business DLT
In 2018’s summer, the University of Malta partnered with the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) to establish a €300,000 ($335,000) blockchain and distributed ledger technology scholarship fund.
The course’s overview featured on the dedicated page on the university’s website explains the scope of the course in the following way:
“The multi-disciplinary Master of Science in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies aims to attract students having an undergraduate first degree in ICT, Business or Law. […] The program provides both an interdisciplinary view of Blockchain and DLT, as well as specialization within either an Information and Communications Technology, Law or Business area.”
Malta has earned for itself the nickname of “blockchain island” with its blockchain, DLT and cryptocurrency-friendly regulation. Cointelegraph filmed a two-part documentary on Malta’s relationship with this new industry earlier this year.
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