Blockchain-based PC games distribution platform Ultra.io has announced on Oct. 2 that its first three block producers (BPs) are Bitfinex, EOS Rio and EOS New York.
All three future network maintainers are EOS BPs while Bitfinex is also a major and well-known cryptocurrency exchange.
Making the gaming industry fairer
Per the announcement, the three entities will help Ultra optimize its blockchain and will allow the firm to launch its public testnet followed by the mainnet.
The startup claims that its platform enables a higher degree of fairness in the gaming industry by employing “programmable and instant money, tradability of games and in-game assets with” non-fungible tokens.
Ultra’s chief technology officer Michael Dunn added:
“When considering how best to launch and support Ultra mainnet, we sought out a mix of trusted technical partners from within the EOSIO community and established corporate partners from the technology and video-games industries to work with us as block producers. Our initial technical block producers have worked with us on our chain design, development and performance. We value their trust, expertise and ongoing support.”
Corporate BPs to be announced
The company also notes that — in addition to helping with blockchain optimization — the three technical BPs will also provide their expertise on corporate recruitment.
Lastly, at a later stage Ultra promises to announce some new corporate BPs that are “trusted companies outside of the crypto world.”
As Cointelegraph recently reported, blockchain and artificial intelligence firm Animoca Brands has entered into a partnership with sports management company Dorna Sports to develop a blockchain-based official MotoGP manager game.
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